Waterproofing Underground Structures: Innovative and Durable Solutions.

Underground structures, such as foundations, underground parking lots, tunnels and tanks, are constantly exposed to groundwater pressure and soil moisture. To ensure their durabilityand protection over time, it is essential to adopt effective and durable waterproofing systems.

Challenges in Waterproofing Underground Structures.

Water is one of the main factors in concrete deterioration. Seepage can lead to corrosion of reinforcement,crack formation and deterioration of the structure. The mainproblems related to waterproofing of underground structures include:

  • Hydrostatic pressure: the buoyancy of water can cause seepage through pores, joints and cracks.
  • Freeze-thaw cycles: water penetrated into the pores of concrete can expand with frost, causing structural damage.
  • Chemical attacks: sulfates, chlorides and other aggressive agents in the soil can compromise the integrity of concrete.
  • Structural movements: soil settlements and temperature changes can generate micro-cracks that promote the passage of water.

Waterproofing Systems for Underground Structures

In order to build waterproof underground structures,several solutions can be adopted. Among the most advanced and effective wefindfull waterproofing through the use of crystallizing additives, which transform concrete into a self-contained waterproof barrier.

Crystallizing Waterproofing: Innovation in Materials

The use of crystallizing admixtures, such as Drymixand Drymix Ultra, allows waterproofing to be integrated directly into the concrete matrix. This technology is based on a chemicalareaction that occurs on contact with water, generatinginsoluble crystals that occlude pores and micro-cracks up to 0.4 mm wide.

Advantages of crystallizing technology:
✅Permanent and self-healing waterproofing.
✅ Reduction in thecoefficient of permeability of concrete.
✅ Increased resistance to aggressive chemicals.
✅ Elimination of external membranes prone to damage.
✅ Ease of application and reduced maintenance costs.

DRYBOXSYSTEM® for concrete waterproofing.

Drykos ' DRYBOXSYSTEM® isan advanced solution that combines the use of crystallizing additives with the strategic management of critical points in the structure, such as joints and plant crossings.

System components:

  • Crystallizing admixtures (Drymix and Drymix Ultra) to waterproof concrete in bulk.
  • Construction and expansion joint systems with hydro-expansive profiles and high-performance sealants.
  • Protective coatings and waterproofing mortars for work on existing structures.

Applications of Waterproof Underground Structures

Waterproofing with the DRYBOXSYSTEM®is ideal for numerous applications, including:

  • Foundations and retaining walls of residential and commercial buildings.
  • Basement parking lots prone to seepage and moisture.
  • Drinking water tanks and sewage treatment plants.
  • Tunnels, tunnels, and transportation infrastructure.


Waterproofing underground structures requiresan advanced technical approach to ensure protection and durability over time. The use of crystallizing additives and integrated solutions such as the DRYBOXSYSTEM® is now the most reliable choice for achieving permanent waterproofing with low maintenance impact.

If you would like to find out more about our concrete waterproofing technologies, contact us for a personalized technical consultation!

years of experience
15 MLN
square meters of
waterproofed surfaces
active on
reduction of
ecological footprint