Concrete Waterproofing Systems

Drykos is the first Italian-owned company to research and develop and produce in Italy crystallizers for waterproofing residential, industrial and infrastructure buildings, integrating them into systems that give concrete durability and permanent protection from chemical aggression.

Drykos is based in Rome and Milan, and its operations and industrial activities are in Tarantasca (CN). Drykos is present in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South America.


To design and create eco-sustainable products and systems for waterproofing, protecting, and extend the lifespan of concrete structures.

Drykos provides tailor-made and turnkey solutions that help maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of waterproofing through:

  • the production and marketing of environmentally sustainable products and systems and non-polluting

  • SYSTEMS that extend the useful lifespan of concrete works by generating economic and environmental benefits

  • The integration of production and marketing with research and development activities e technical assistance to customers that place it at the forefront of the industry of reference-socialization of environmentally sustainable and nonpolluting products and systems


Drykos is the only company that conducts research, development, and production of crystalline waterproofing products on its own territory, Italy, controlling the supply chain A-Z.
Know-how and international experience
Accumulated by a team of experts and on field experiences across countries and in diverse environment in over 10 years of activity.
Drykos' products and systems comprehensively and definitively solve protection, waterproofing, and repair problems in concrete structures.
Systemic Approach and Quality of Service
Drykos integrates assistance in the design phase, product supply and installation, on-site technical assistance, and a ten-year posthumous insurance coverage.
Efficiency and eco-sustainability
The use of Drykos crystalline products, as alternatives to traditional petroleum derivatives (bituminous and PVC membranes), greatly reduces maintenance costs, waste, and complies with sustainable construction guidelines, reducing CO2 emissions.
Operational flexibility
Meets the needs of engineers, developers, investors, and construction companies.