The Waterproof Reactive White Tub with the DRYBOXSYSTEM® System

The "white tank" concept is a cutting-edge civil engineering solution for waterproof concrete structures without the use of additional exterior coatings.

With the innovative DRYBOXSYSTEM® and the crystallizing admixtures Drymix and Drymix Ultra, Drykos offers an integrated approach to ensure high and durable performance of concrete works.

Complete Waterproofing with Drymix and Drymix Ultra

Drymix and Drymix Ultra admixtures are mixed directly into the concrete during the production stage, making the material itself waterproof and capable of self-repairing any micro-cracking up to 400 microns.

This process not only prevents water penetration, but also protects the structure from aggressive chemicals such as chlorides, sulfates, and carbonation, significantly prolonging its service life.

DRYBOXSYSTEM®: Innovation and Operational Simplicity

DRYBOXSYSTEM® is designed to address the most complex challenges in the construction of underground or hydraulic structures. In addition to Drymix additives, the system includes a full range of solutions for sealing joints, casting joints and critical points, ensuring total waterproofing.

This integrated approach reduces site time and simplifies operations while ensuring high reliability.

Practical Application Examples

The Drykos system has been successfully used in numerous projects for underground structures and hydraulic works, such as basements, underpasses, parking lots and reservoirs.

Each intervention demonstrated how Drymix and DRYBOXSYSTEM® admixtures can effectively address concrete waterproofing and protection needs while minimizing long-term maintenance costs.

DRYBOXSYSTEM® for concrete waterproofing.

Drykos is committed to developing environmentally friendly products and systems that respect the environment and improve construction performance. Drymix and Drymix Ultra additives reduce the need for petroleum-derived coatings, contributing to a more sustainable and safe construction site.

With DRYBOXSYSTEM® and Drymix crystallizing admixtures, Drykos stands as a leader in the waterproofing industry, offering advanced solutions to ensure durability and safety of concrete structures.

years of experience
15 MLN
square meters of
waterproofed surfaces
active on
reduction of
ecological footprint



Viale Montello 6, Milan