Crystallizing technology

Drykos' crystalline technology is a chemical treatment that, added to concrete as an additive during its preparation or applied as a coating or mortar, waterproofs the concrete and extends its lifespan.

The active ingredients in Drykos' crystalline products chemically react with cement hydration byproducts, forming an insoluble crystalline structure in its pores, becoming an integral part of the concrete and making it waterproof to water and other liquids/chemicals/grease from any direction.
The chemical components of Drykos' crystalline agents remain active over time and, in the presence of humidity or water, they continue to endlessly seal micro-cracks up to 0.5 mm.

Thanks to research and development activities, Drykos contributes to making buildings and structures compliant with sustainability parameters established by LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and by increasing the DURABILITY of each structure.



Waterproofs the mass of the concrete and protects it by sealing its pores and capillaries, preventing the penetration of external chemical aggressors (CO2, chlorides, sulfates that cause reinforcement joints corrosion)
Permanent, unlike membranes with limited lifespans
Self-sealing for cracks up to 0.5 mm that may form over time
Reduces construction times: the concrete is already waterproofed as soon as it is cast, no need to wait for its curing as with other waterproofing systems
Less expensive than other waterproofing systems
Eco-friendly: uses concrete's inherent chemistry and does not pollute the environment (vs. pvc membranes)


As a manufacturer, we are able to design and create customized products and solutions based on specific needs and projects.