DRYHARD is a single-component, water-based product that acts as a hardener, sealer, and dustproofer for the treatment of concrete surfaces or cementitious matrix supports.
• When diluted with water, it can be used as an anti-evaporation agent
• Eliminates pop-out phenomena (ASR - Alkali Silica Reaction)
• Reacts with salts present in the concrete, eliminating surface dust
• Improves resistance to freeze-thaw cycles
• Reduces permeability to oils, grease, or surface contaminants
• It is water-based, non-toxic and contains no volatile components (VOCs)
• Improves the adhesion of paints and coatings, eliminating salts
• It is compatible with any type of coating.
DRYHARD is an environmentally friendly product that utilizes the chemistry of cement to perform its function, allowing for future recycling and avoiding the use of coating materials that would require high disposal costs.
Consumption depends on the cement dosage and type of application: Consumption depends on the type of application: generally 1 liter per 5/7 m².
• Industrial flooring
• Prefabricated floors with closed surface finish
• Logistics warehouses (high forklift traffic)
• Airplane hangars
• Industrial and food laboratories
• Multi-story parking garages
The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.
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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.
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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.
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