

DRYKOTE is a single-component, cement-based product with crystallizing action, composed of water-soluble additives and hydraulic binders specifically designed for the restoration and waterproofing of concrete structures. Its crystallizing action leads to the formation of insoluble crystalline complexes that seal the capillary porosity of the concrete, blocking the penetration of water and moisture from any direction. The crystallizing action reactivates over time in the presence of new water or moisture infiltrations. The product is applied as a slurry on the concrete surface, and its components migrate into the concrete, waterproofing, restoring, and protecting it.


• Particularly suitable for degraded or old concrete

• Can be applied from both the positive and negative sides relative to isostatic pressure and can withstand high pressures after application

• Permanent waterproofing action • Has high resistance to chemical attacks (between pH 3 and 11) and to the penetration of chloride ions

• Heals micro-cracks up to 0.5 mm in the presence of water or moisture • Allows water vapor passage

• Enables waterproofing interventions with a rapid drying effect

• Increases the durability of treated structures • Does not contain resins or elastomeric products

• Certified for use with potable water


Drykote is an eco-friendly product that uses cement chemistry to perform its function, thus allowing for future recycling and avoiding the use of any external layer or coating materials that would require a high disposal cost.


For brush application: 0.8 kg/m² in two coats For spray application: 0.7-0.8 kg/m² in two coats (the ratio may vary slightly depending on the type of machine).


• Concrete water tanks and reservoirs

• Concrete basins

• Wastewater treatment plants

• Concrete pipelines

• Swimming Pools

• Roofing slabs

• Elevator shafts

• Water-infiltrated underground structures

• Tunnels and subways

Product Lines


The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.

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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.

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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.

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