DRYPLUG is a single-component crystallizing cement mortar with ultra-rapid setting and high volumetric stability, made using hydraulic binders and specially designed water-soluble additives. DRYPLUG leads to the formation of insoluble crystalline complexes, closing the pores and capillary porosities of the cement matrix, allowing to block and seal even strong water leaks from concrete structures. The crystallizing action remains active over time.
• Stops strong water leaks in concrete
• Allows emergency repair interventions
• Contains a long-lasting active ingredient
• High resistance to chloride ion penetration (marine environments or de-icing salts)
• Does not contain resins or elastomeric products.
DRYPLUG is an ecological product that uses concrete chemistry to perform its function, thus allowing for future recycling and avoiding the use of polluting chemicals/resins that would require high disposal costs.
As needed, according to consumption.
• Repairs of significantly cracked concrete structures with water leaks
• Immediate repair of strong water leaks under negative pressure from tanks and reservoirs
• Repairs of significantly cracked concrete structures with water leakage
The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.
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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.
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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.
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