

DRYSEAL is a single-component, water-based liquid waterproofing agent with crystallizing action that, through a surface spray application, penetrates deeply into concrete and cement-based substrates, remediating them from moisture, sealing any wet cracks up to 0.5 mm, and protecting the concrete from chemical attacks. The product penetrates into the concrete pores and, by chemically reacting with moisture and cement hydration by-products, develops a needle-like crystalline formation that seals pores and micro-cracks, deeply restoring the substrate and increasing the durability of the cement conglomerate. The latter significantly depends on the porosity of the conglomerate through which aggressive gases and liquids can penetrate. The considerable decrease in the permeability of the cement system also results in a significant improvement in the material's resistance to chemical attacks and freeze-thaw cycles. A single application is sufficient for the product to exert its restoring and waterproofing action. DRYSEAL reactivates whenever new moisture phenomena occur, creating a perennial protection mechanism.


• Deeply waterproofs the concrete mass: the product's high penetration capacity, combined with the presence of moisture, activates the formation of crystalline structures

• Waterproofs from any direction (both positive and negative sides)

• High resistance to chloride ion penetration (marine environments or de-icing salts)

• Does not change the substrate's appearance

• Enhances resistance to freeze-thaw cycles

• It seals cracks up to 0.5 mm in width.

• Allows for water vapor transmission

• Does not contain resins or elastomeric products

• Water-based, non-toxic, and environmentally safe

• It is certified for use in contact with drinking water.


DRYSEAL is an eco-friendly product that uses the chemistry of cement to fulfill its function, thus allowing its future recycling and avoiding the use of coating materials that would require a high disposal cost.


It is recommended to apply DRYSEAL at a dosage of 1 liter per 5 square meters in a single pass.


• Tunnels and underpasses

• Roofing slabs

• Water treatment facilities

• Tanks, pools, and foundations

• Water treatment plants

• Sewer systems

• Multi-story parking garages

• Bridges and viaducts

• Ports and docks

• Marine structures

Product Lines


The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.

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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.

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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.

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