Thixotropic epoxy resin paste for fixing elastic strips and for structural interventions in general.
1.6 kg/dm3, about 1 kg per linear meter
Structural reinforcement of load-bearing elements (beams, columns, etc.) by bonding steel plates, carbon fiber strips, etc. to concrete; reconstruction of joints in concrete flooring; rigid structural bonding (beton plaqué) of prefabricated elements and artifacts in various construction materials: concrete, steel, glass, wood, marble, bricks, stones, etc.; anchoring, bonding, and fixing of connectors, tie rods, etc.; fixing of elastic strips.
The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.
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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.
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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.
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