High elasticity and resistance strip, with a total width of 25 cm, consisting of a special elastomeric Hypalon layer, resistant to aging and wear, to be used in combination with DRYKOS EPOMATRIX epoxy paste resin, for waterproofing hydraulically sealed expansion joints in buildings, works and structures built below the water table or to ensure water tightness of structural connections, even above ground. Specific for applications in industrial or infrastructural settings.
Suitable for waterproofing expansion joints, including wide ones, subject to significant movements, as well as natural joints and cracks, even under hydraulic counterthrust conditions. Used in tunnels, silos, tanks, pools, basements, prefabricated roofs, road joints, and hydraulic structures in general.
The line of Drykos for new construction was specially developed to increase the durability of concrete structures.
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Drykos' product line has been expressly developed to quickly, effectively, and sustainably restore deteriorated concretes.
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It enables infrastructure to withstand the most critical conditions such as chemical aggression, chlorides, carbonation, freeze-thaw cycles.
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